Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tulipfest Tour

Sea of tulips

Spring has sprung in the Nation's Capital and the sea of brilliantly coloured tulips are everywhere. Heck, we even had one pop up in our own garden.

This weekend was prime tulip viewing season as they were in full bloom. Saturday afternoon we headed down to the Dow's Lake area with our weekend guest, Uncle Michael, to soak in the sun and stroll through the explosions of colour.

One of the "Cowguys" juggled and ate fire while being held by two members of the crowd.
Flame eating busker dude
Blowing on the ol'slide trompone Tulipfest art

Buskers, music, and art. While it may be somewhat scaled back from years gone by, the Tulipfest still manages to entertain the crowds.

To be honest, the tulips and warm summer-like temperatures are always enough to get people out and about with their families and cameras. And wow! were there a lot of cameras. And with so many smiling faces it makes it near impossible not to enjoy yourself. If you do find yourself teetering on the edge, I suggest a large poutine and sausage or perhaps a Beaver Tail to help push you over.

Splash of yellow
Ragged red tulip Yellow

And don't forget to stop and smell...

Stop and smell

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