Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snowshoeing and Skiing

Queen of the Frozen Swamp

Another great weather winter weekend with the family. Saturday we did some snowshoeing through the Ottawa greenbelt. Well technically, I did some snowshoeing and the rest of the family followed in my tracks as they don't actually have their own snowshoes. But I think we still all had fun.


Sunday morning we headed out to P3 off Corkstown Road for some x-c skiing. We skied a little further than expected but once again we all had a blast.


Spotted this snowshoe hare hanging out near the campground shower building. He seemed to be reluctant to lose his spot in line as he stayed put while we skied up to within 6 feet of him and snapped off some pictures. Thanks Buggs.

Here's a shot of me following one of the kids down a small hill. No wipe outs, that's aways good.

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