Saturday, February 17, 2007

Winterlude with the Twigman

This weekend was the last official Winterlude weekend for 2007 so we decided to check it out with our house guest extraodinaire, Uncle Twiggy.

Twig and the kids eating Beaver Tails

First we strolled through the snow sculptures and admired the works created by each of the provincial teams. Then we checked out the voyageur and Native American displays.

Winterlude snow sculpture (PEI) Winterlude snow sculpture
Totem pole carving Indian winter hut
Tripper and the Voyageur

After yesterday's awesome x-c ski in Gatineau, Twig was thinking that the weekend couldn't possibly get any more funner. Well he couldn't have been more wrong. His first run down the ice slide turned into a rocket launch as his new winter pants sent him screaming down the frozen shoot nearly bowling me over as I tried to capture the moment on video. Check it out...

Between blasting down the slides and petting dead beavers we met up with Zartimus and his family. This was almost as coincidental as yesterday's hook up with Mike in the middle of the Gatineau ski hills.

After the Quebec version of Winterlude we headed back over to Ottawa for some skating and beaver tails. Always a hit. And apparently we're not alone - take a look at this crowd.


Skating on the canal.

Winterlude skate on the canal
Another Winterlude come and gone...

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