Sunday, February 06, 2011

Super snow daze

Tree man reaches for the sun
Happy day on the trails!!

After the season's first official snow day on Wednesday the weekend melted into a mix of cross-country skiing, soccer, Futsal, more skiing, mega snow slide-making, and the odd snowball fight. All great fun, and no worries, no eyes were lost.

Gatineau ski Ski buddies
Gatineau ski to Herridge Hut

We had to get a little creative in our attempt to access the Kanata Lake Trails network as the parking lot was closed due to the anticipation of some construction in the area. This huddle had me leading the family on skis down some windy snowshoe trail (yes, I had just removed the snowshoes from the van the day before) but eventually we hooked up to the main trails that were fresh with the night's fallen snow. It was a great afternoon followed by homemade waffles and maple syrup.

Through the birch Not too happy bringing up the rear
Kanata Lake Trails

After a quick bite the kids suited back up and took advantage of the packy snow making a good-sized snow slide in the front yard. I tested it out and it rocks!

Snow slide Snowball in the face

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