Monday, August 14, 2006

The Soo and the shores of Lake Superior

We're back but still recovering.

With kids, the drive up to Sault Ste. Marie officially takes anywhere between 11-13 hours. Thanks to technology, we survive. At one point we were all juiced into our own personal sound blasters. One child watching a movie, the other listening to my old CD walkman, mom on her new mp3 player, and papa on his 30GB Dell DJ. Sweet. Silence... that is if anybody actually bothered to take their headphones off.

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We arrived 3 days earlier than the rest of the crew so that we could relax and enjoy the scenery a little. The Soo region is rugged and beautiful. Our time spent in the Soo region was mainly spent hiking and visiting relatives... and of course, eating the world's best sausage - Pino's mild Italian.


We even found the time to cross over into the states and check out Sault Ste. Marie Michigan. Not a very big town in comparison with its Canadian sister city but we still managed to scoop a few Wal-mart deals and sneak them back to our homeland. We were sure not to mess with the empty can law though...

Once the rest of the gang joined us in the Soo we packed up and headed out to Pancake Bay on Lake Superior. This spot is beautiful. The sand beach stretches out for about 4-5km in either direction. The weather was sunny and warm which is always a blessing as it warms up the cold Superior waters allowing everybody to swim. And swim we did.

As per usual I would take off to hike in the surrounding area. As you head north up the Superior shoreline the sand turns to pebble turns to rocks to boulders. Needless to say it's very picturesque and worthy of a photo or two.

Speaking of which, here are some selected pics...

The path from the camp down to Pancake Bay... a welcome view.

Path to Pancake Bay

The gang...
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The daily walk down to the lagoon at sunset.
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Until next year...


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