Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day weekend

Happy Father's Day

A great weekend of football (aka soccer). I spent nearly the entire weekend either watching football, thanks to the World Cup, or playing football with my kids on the nearby pitch. Throw in a beer or two and a couple of stellar meals and you have a complete Father's Day recipe. Oh and watching Holland advance to the Round of 16 was just icing on the cake (first team to do so btw).

Saturday's meal was a test run of a small Indian restaurant across from the Coliseum on Carling and Wylie. Little India Cafe. It was a hit. Very tasty with just the right amount of spice.

As you can see in the photo above, Sunday's meal was steak (from the local butcher, Pete and Gus) and a fresh spinach salad washed down with a Blackberry Wheat from Long Trail Brewing. Delicious.


PS: Did anybody notice my new keychain in the pic? Thanks Em.

1 comment:

Michael said...

According to the Canada food guide you should only have one piece of bread but otherwise that looks mighty tasty.

Question: Does the keychain dance when you play the right brand of tunes in the car?