Saturday, January 05, 2008

Family ski off Corkstown Rd.

Group shot

The weatherman claims that this will be the last good ski day for at least a week as temperatures climb into the double digits so we decided to take advantage of it as best we could.

We did a small but entertaining loop from P6 off Corkstown Rd. The trail is a multi-use trail and not really ideal for x-c skiing with all the dog walkers and toboggan pullers strolling though (not to mention the bumps and dips and half frozen creeks). But we made the best of it and managed to thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

We spotted a pileated woodpecker and a downy woodpecker, 12 deer, and the usual starving squirrels and birds.

Pileated Woodpecker

Now it's back to school and back to work for all of us. Yuck. Let's just hope the cold weather returns soon bringing more snow and maybe even an early opening of the canal for skating. Fingers crossed everyone...

Skiing ahead

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